Got Your Back is Changing Lives
What MEN are saying…
What CHURCH LEADERS are saying…
Building A Band of Brothers
"Sometimes one comes across a book that is so profoundly true and arresting that it changes the way one looks at the world and, more important, how one looks at one’s own life. I’m a loner. I could do the monastery thing if they would let me bring my wife. But a long time ago I found out that I simply can’t do this by myself and was drug kicking and screaming into community. Now that move (a good one, I’ve found) has legs. Those “legs” are in Gary Yagel’s book, Got Your Back. Read this book and rejoice in its truth. Then give it to every guy you know. We could change the world… but we can’t do it alone.”
”What a valuable book! With the patience and care of a soul-surgeon, Gary Yagel cuts through the layers of isolation that have immobilized so many Christian men, and expertly explains the cure. Want to wake up the men in your church? This little book — logical, biblical, spiritual, practical — is a great place to start.”
"Insightfully diagnostic and practically helpful; Got Your Back helped me understand some of my own struggles and gave me great tools to address them with grace. An important read for any man who longs to walk with Christ-like joy and integrity."
"We have been using this book and the material in it for the last two years, first with our men’s leadership team and then with the broader men’s ministry. What I love about Got Your Back is the emphasis on relationship, because I have found that there is no true discipleship without it. It’s easier to teach a Bible study than to develop a relationship, but most of our men have plenty of head knowledge about the Bible; what they need are brothers close enough to them who will encourage them to live what they know.
Got Your Back provides the how-to for building those relationships and we need that how-to. We men need more than information about discipleship; we need inspiration to develop the relationships where discipleship actually happens, and Gary supplies that inspiration in this book.